Cs 1.6 config old 2000
Cs 1.6 config old 2000

How to save Top10 (2 = steamid, 1 = Ip, 0 = name) Allow highlighting after landing (1 = on, 0 = off works for holy, leet and god distances)ħ. For what team stats enable (0=all team,1=T,2=CT)Ĥ. Allow doing ScreenShot if Player going in Top10 (not work with kz_uq_sql «1» or «2» and for map top)ģ. What should work when players connect to the server // 0 = none // a = colorchat // b = stats // c = speed // d = showpre // e = strafe stats // f = beam // g = duck stats for mcj // h = shows message when your bhop prestrafe is failed // i = show multibhop pre // j = show prestrafe after duck // k = show lj prestrafe // l = show edge // m = show edge when fail (without block) Mysql Module Dont forget first set cvars in cfg and then restart server(map) Open the config.php with notepad and set needed options Put folder /uq_jumpstats into your webserver Make Database (in phpmyadmin or something else) called uq_jumpstats (or the name you put for kz_uq_db)

  • And some Features which can be found in /ljsmenu.
  • Stats only show when sv_airaccelerate is 10 or 100.
  • Client cvar enforcer (legal jump settings).
  • Cvar to limit which team(s) can use Stats.
  • Option to save or reset tops every map change.
  • On/Off doing Screenshoot if player get into top20 for each technique.
  • Second type = beam with showing strafes.
  • Slide LongJump - (Simple version and works only on two maps "slide_gs_longjumps","b2j_slide_longjumps ").
  • This plugin measures jump techniques in Counter-Strike 1.6. Thanks Exolent thread for a pattern cause i'm tired format my theard

    CS 1.6 CONFIG OLD 2000 CODE

    The starting point that I used was the original kz_stats by SchlumPF, modded by xPaw, but beyond that, I just borrowed some parts of the code from those LJ Stats - eXtreme Modification and Jumpstats, for which I express my special thanks to their developers. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, that's why I've just decided to do something mean in my plugin, whether I have succeeded? Time will tell). As you might know, in the Kreedz world two stats plugin are dominating, Jumpstats by Exolent and Long Jump Stats - eXtreme Modification by Numb.

    Cs 1.6 config old 2000